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1. 44 Cattle Co.
   Big Spring, Texas
   https://44cattleco.com/   [found 389714 times]

2. Appleberry Orchard
   Donnellson, Iowa
   http://appleberryorchard.com   [found 17930 times]

3. Blissard Cattle Co.
   Big Spring, Texas
   http://blissardcattleco.com/   [found 278240 times]

4. Diamond KA Paint & Quarter Horses
   Big Spring, Texas
   http://www.diamondkaranch.com   [found 358920 times]

5. Lone Star Western Store
   Big Spring, Texas
   https://www.lonestarhatters.com/   [found 336713 times]

6. National Little Britches Rodeo Association
   Colorado Springs, Colorado
   http://www.nlbra.com   [found 467119 times]

7. Schafer Club Goats
   Big Spring, Texas
   https://www.facebook.com/schaferclubgoats/   [found 228409 times]

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