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1. Ted Robinson Cow Horses
   Oak View, California
   http://www.tedrobinsoncowhorses.com   [found 985592 times]

2. Tom Moates: Equine Author
   Floyd, Virginia
   http://www.tommoates.com   [found 1066766 times]

Tribute to the late Marty Marten (2)
   Berthoud, Colorado    720 201-4363

Marty Marten is the author of two books, PROBLEM-SOLVING – Preventing and Solving Common Horse Problems, Volume 1 and Volume 2, published by WESTERN HORSEMAN. His books are full of useful, practical information and continue to be popular as reference and learning books. Two Spruce Farm strives to provide a friendly, fun learning environment designed to promote better understanding and mutual respect between people and their horses.

   http://www.twosprucefarm.com/mmarten/   [found 1363069 times]

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