F R E E  R E G I S T R A T I O N
Registration is free and allows you to bid on items or list your own items for sale.
* First Name :
* Last Name :
Address :
* City :
* State :         * Zip :
  Your phone number is required for administrative purposes.
If you want your phone number(s) kept private from everyone
else, please check the box below.
I prefer to be contacted by email only.
* Primary phone :
Phone 2 :
* Your email address :
* Confirm email :
* Select a Password :
* Confirm Password :
* required fields
Incorrect Password : Please try again"; } } $Login_Time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sql=mysql_connect ("localhost", "halem3_halem3", "jeremiah2911") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("halem3_auctioncorner"); $query = "INSERT INTO Logins SET MemberID='$Member_ID',Email='$_REQUEST[email]',Login_Time='$Login_Time',Password='$_REQUEST[Login]',IP_Address='$ipaddress',Login_String='$l' "; mysql_query($query, $sql); if($LoggedIn!='yes') { echo ""; } } ?>
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